Microsoft licencing
Microsoft 365 is the backbone of many businesses, keeping teams productive, connected, and running smoothly. However, when it comes to licencing, it’s easy to overspend on things you don’t need or use—sometimes by 20% or more.
Many organisations, including yours, may be auto-renewing annual subscriptions without realising they could optimise their agreements and cut unnecessary costs. At Backbone Connect, we’re here to help with our free and obligation-free Microsoft Licence Check service, ensuring your business gets the most value from its licensing agreements.
We specialise in uncovering hidden costs, eliminating duplicate spend, rightsizing your licenses to match your actual needs, and helping you benefit from the right bundles and licence types. On average, we save our clients up to 20% on their auto-renewal price. With proactive support, we make Microsoft licensing simple, efficient, and cost-effective.

Microsoft licencing- We can help you cut cost
Why you need a Microsoft Licencing check from Backbone Connect:

- Cut Out Hidden Costs: Unused licenses add up quickly. If staff leave or change roles, their licenses often go unnoticed—and unused licenses mean wasted money. We’ll review your setup to spot licenses you don’t need and ensure every license is doing its job.
- Only Pay for What You Need: Microsoft 365 offers lots of plans, but picking the wrong one can mean overpaying for features you don’t use. We analyse what your business actually uses and recommend the right licence for your needs—no more, no less.
- Avoid Paying Twice: Many businesses pay for tools they already have access to through Microsoft 365. We’ll check where you’re paying for extras unnecessarily and help you simplify your tools.
- Keep Things Simple and Compliant: Microsoft licencing rules are complicated and change regularly. This can lead to non-compliance or paying more than you need. We stay on top of the rules so you don’t have to. We’ll guide you through the process and make sure everything is compliant and efficient.
- Plan for the Future: Azure services and other flexible options can make it hard to predict costs. Many businesses either overcommit or underestimate what they’ll need. We provide clear cost models and insights to help you budget accurately and avoid surprises.