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First Abu Dhabi Bank – Fast and Secure Guest Wi-Fi as a Service

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First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) aimed to enhance its guest Wi-Fi capabilities at two key locations to provide a seamless and secure experience for visitors. The project focused on deploying a reliable and efficient Wi-Fi service at their flagship office at 20 Berkeley Square, leveraging the expertise of Backbone Connect to achieve rapid implementation.


Prior to the deployment, FAB faced several challenges:

  1. Delayed Deployment: Other suppliers struggled to deliver guest Wi-Fi solutions, causing delays in operational readiness.
  2. Security Concerns: The existing guest Wi-Fi setup lacked robust security measures, potentially compromising user data and privacy.
  3. User Experience: The previous Wi-Fi setup did not provide a seamless experience for guests, affecting their overall satisfaction.


The solution

Backbone Connect was engaged to provide a Wi-Fi as a Service (WaaS) solution that would address these challenges effectively. The key elements of the solution included:

  1. Rapid Deployment: Utilising pre-existing fiber connections at 20 Berkeley Square, Backbone Connect activated the guest Wi-Fi in just two weeks, enabling FAB to commence operations without any delays.
  2. Enhanced Security: The solution incorporated advanced security features, including:
    1. Splash Pages: Custom landing pages that guests encountered when connecting to the Wi-Fi, ensuring that they agreed to terms and conditions and enhancing branding opportunities.
    2. Sponsored Login: A secure login method that protected user data and provided a seamless authentication experience.
  3. Improved Usability: The new system offered an intuitive interface for users, enhancing their ability to connect quickly and easily to the network.


The collaboration between FAB and Backbone Connect yielded significant benefits:

  • Operational Efficiency: The rapid deployment of guest Wi-Fi allowed FAB to occupy and operate in their new flagship office at 20 Berkeley Square without delay, demonstrating agility in project execution.
  • Enhanced Security and User Experience: The upgraded guest Wi-Fi solution provided a more secure environment for users while ensuring a straightforward connection process. Feedback from users indicated higher satisfaction levels compared to the previous setup.
Can’t thank Backbone Connect enough; it was super work. Of all the suppliers we have dealt with in getting the flagship office ready, Backbone Connect were the only ones who just got in and done it.
Richard Weald Head of IT First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB)


The project at First Abu Dhabi Bank illustrates the importance of effective partnerships in delivering swift and secure technological solutions. Backbone Connect’s ability to implement a robust and user-friendly Wi-Fi service in a short timeframe not only enhanced the guest experience but also underscored the bank's commitment to operational excellence and security. This case study serves as a model for other organizations seeking to improve their guest Wi-Fi services efficiently and securely.


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