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PlaceTech: How to eliminate security risks in smart buildings

Cyber attacks are on the rise, but many of us don’t realise that our buildings could be leaving us vulnerable.  As smart technology becomes more popular, what can landlords do to protect their tenants and safeguard their own reputations?  Solutions director John Archer discusses the issue on the latest episode of the PlaceTech podcast and outlines how landlords can stay one step ahead.

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Sustainability and efficiency are two reasons why demand for building sensors and software are on the rise. But the more connected a building is, the more vulnerable it can be to cybersecurity breaches. John Archer joins PlaceTech's Karl Tomusk to discuss the biggest risks faced by building owners. 


  • What are the biggest risks in operating smart buildings?
  • Does the risk rise as you install more tools and sensors?
  • Who should be responsible for dealing with cybersecurity breaches?
  • What are some easy wins that could make smart buildings less vulnerable to attacks?
  • How will security concerns and threats change in the coming years?

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