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Phishing defence

Phishing scams are by far the most common form of cyberattack faced by most businesses. By layering your defences, you can prevent phishing emails from reaching your staff. A good phishing defence can spot malicious emails when they arrive, as recommended by the National Cyber Security Council.

Backbone Connect provides best-practice solutions with an AI-driven mail filtering system to identify suspicious emails as well as staff training and simulations to ensure your team is alert to the threat of phishing scams. 

What Backbone Connect’s services offer you:

●    Gartner Magic Quadrant leading technology 
●    AI-powered mail filtering 
●    Ongoing employee training solutions, to learn best practices at your own pace 
●    Phishing simulations so you can spot weaknesses 
●    A partner you know and trust 
●    Access to the wider cyber security solutions 

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